#known 2017-01-12

2017-01-12 UTC
Thanks, @ChrisAldrich, mixed my links up. So @manton2, is http://micro.blog model like wordpress and function like micro @withknown?
funwhilelost, tantek, loicm and mapkyca joined the channel
jgmac1106: I'd like to see a way to do proper backdating in the UI. It should be doable via micropub, but Quill doesn't support it. The best I could do was to create a post in Wordpress, backdate, export and then import into Known. Kindof painful.
plindner: mapkyca left you a message on 2016-12-14 at 10:33am UTC: Indeed, some services and some plugins which Known the company build are proprietary. These are built on or use the core code, but the core code is FLOSS
me and jgmac1106 joined the channel
sensiblemn someone tired to hit us with the same ransomware attack. luckily it was caught in time and we restricted access, lost some customer data but nothing a mia culpa could not handle. We added more security and now only allow access to the database from three specific IP addresses
plindner: I could add a published date field to Quill very easily if that'd be useful
aaronpk: mapkyca left you a message 2 weeks, 1 day ago: re micropub, not sure what the current status is... but I see there are a few tickets for it in the tracker so I'm guessing there are a few issues with it. I've not had any time get into it...
thanks aaronpk what I am trying to do is add a bunch of posts I have published on medium and elsewhere: https://medium.com/@jgmac1106/stepping-towards-the-future-cd42f11bf2db#.9jebhj3cj to blog.reviewtalentfeedback.com with the OG publication dates.
I saw the custom scripts on the github issues, but don't have time to handle it myself with semester starting next week. Trying to wrap up umpteen million tutorials before I get busy at the jobby jon and dont have time for the hobby job
jobby job* hate when spelling mistakes ruin a good rhyme
You may have just given me my #100days project for today
loicm and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Ben excited for the new "LMS" to roll out what you showed from the KQED preview is really awesome
tantek joined the channel
tantek was looking forward to meeting you at all-hands, the running pics looked great, I had a previous speaker engagement and had to bow out. Will be in San Fran in summer though (hopefully depending on priorities
hope to see you then too!
aaronpk: more control over the posting process would be most appreciated. Here's another idea: micropub posting proxy.
Idea is to submit your post to the proxy which encapsulates biz logic on where to post, when to post, and potentially mutate the data before posting.
Simple examples: a draft-post proxy for sites that don't support drafts. Posting embargo (post after an explicit time or event). etc.
hah interesting
kind of like Buffer for micropub
funwhilelost and tantek joined the channel
hmm known refused my webmention because it was sent to the https URL for a page
@jgmac1106 @withknown categories for posts...is this a thing yet? Useful for RSSing to WordPress
what is RSSing?
raretrack and tantek joined the channel