#known 2017-02-05

2017-02-05 UTC
davidmead, [kevinmarks], [jgarber], tantek, j12t, j12t_, jeremycherfas and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
@edrex @lehudgins Oh man. How did you get a withknown invite? I'd kill for one.
Eh heh, and my Twitter post bounces here. If there's anyone who is able to hook me up without an actual assassination being required, that would also be good.
Jaduncan Do you actually need an invite?
I guess you don’t want to host yourself.
j12t joined the channel
An invite would be very good, because I'm about to cycle down Africa and won't have time for sysadminning. Nowhere else does absolutely fully managed hosting.
jeremycherfas: Basically, I'm hoping to use Known to blog it all, but don't want to find out that I've been hacked. Self-hosting is thus less of an option.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
jaduncan[m]: have you considered reclaim hosting?
they will host for you.
I have, and I'm with them at the moment. Problems are these: they have had a lot of downtime, I have to think a lot about disk space for audio recordings, and it is merely a scripted update rather than a fully managed install. There's a lot less protection than having someone else actively manage the whole server.
I can recommend IndieHosters, if you’re willing to pay and can manage the install via gitlab or similar.
I'd rather either just get a normal withknown account and not have to think too hard about total media storage when I'm in the back end of beyond. I didn't think they were signing people up, hence my excitement when someone had a new account.
Sorry, I don’t about their own hosted accounts.
I'll look at IndieHosters, but I'll be in the middle of the Sahara so I'm rather hoping to find someone where I don't have to reliably have SSH/git/whatnot to sort it out.
There's a gap in the market, I tell you.
There is. And to begin with I thought IndieHosters would be filling it. They don’t offer SSH at all, so there’s that.
C'est la vie. Basically, I really want not to be the sysadmin. Maybe I'll have to be. But you see my excitement about the new account. :/
I do. And I totally appreciate your point of view. I went there because they offered SSL when few other hosts were making it easy. Now Dreamhost, for one, does a very simple Let’s Encrypt, so I’m actually working on moving my Known there.
j12t joined the channel
why don't you use Known Pro? https://withknown.com/pro/
j12t joined the channel
Much to my dismay, they don't actually do signups on it.
I would love to give them money for that.
you emailed them asking for an account?
i'm assuming they would take your money
Yep. I think I got their CS person rather than management though.
They aren't doing new Known Pro signups in general, apparently.
Hence my extreme interest in someone having a new account.
oh, i thought they had only ended the free accounts, not the pro accounts.
Oops, no. I got the co-founder. She said no new signups are happening.
i think she is the CEO now
j12t joined the channel
I've emailed her with an special-snowflake request. I'll see what can be done before looking at IndieHosters or Dreamhost. Thanks to sensiblemn and jeremycherfas for the suggestions, though.
j12t, jeremycherfas, jeremycherfas_, [dgold] and dgold joined the channel
hi there. i've been attempting to install known on an nginx box. i've been following a tutorial by eliot tucker, but, at the point where I've installed the known environment in an appropriate location, all I get is a blank screen
any pointers at all would be appreciated
dgold, j12t, batisteo, funwhilelost, [aaronpk] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel