#known 2017-04-09

2017-04-09 UTC
davidmead, j12t, [eddie], benwerd, tantek, loicm_, [jeremycherfas] and Guest44079 joined the channel
Currently, the plugin does it the lazy way, and is limited to @withknown. I’d like to make it use Micropub/Indieauth, but will need help.
@fkarlitschek @Nextclouders @withknown not yet, but it will be. No easy way for News plugins to have settings, so some hard coded stuff.
@cleverdevil @Nextclouders @withknown Sure. Let me know once this is open or if you need help. :-)
tantek, benwerd and j12t joined the channel
@schiessle @fkarlitschek @Nextclouders @withknown yeah a general purpose “Micropub” addition to this social sharing plugin may be smart.
@schiessle @fkarlitschek @Nextclouders @withknown however, Micropub enables a lot more. Writing full posts, for example.
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
apparently tweets still getting truncated in the streaming API despite @-reply references being taken out of the 140 char limitation?
ah there must be a new property where the full tweet text lives
they tend to make changes backwards compatible so existing clients don't break
makes sense
(e.g. if the client is assuming the tweet text will be <=140 chars they will continue to send that)
(e.g. if the client is assuming tweet text still includes @-reply names / chains / canoes)
@schiessle @fkarlitschek @Nextclouders @withknown awesome thanks so much for the idea! I’ll definitely look into it :)
hm, should the text summary here show all the @-mentions anymore then?
yes because otherwise replies typically make very little sense (without any context)
e.g. "awesome thanks so much for the idea! I’ll definitely look into it :) "
j12t, [chrisaldrich] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[@kevinmarks] @jeremyburge @moorehn I just went to check, and twitter analytics hasn't been updated to hide the #invisiblecanoe @'s, which is ironic https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C8fRzukWsAIlV_T.jpg
j12t, davidmead, j12t_ and [eddie] joined the channel