#known 2017-04-24

2017-04-24 UTC
tantek, loicm_, [colinwalker], [kevinmarks] and mapkyca joined the channel
morning all
mapkyca: [cleverdevil] left you a message 1 week, 2 days ago: OK, ticket filed - https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/1702
tantek, j12t, [colinwalker], [eddie], loicm_, j12t_, [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Morning, folks.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
bonjour :)
So, I've noticed that the "Select a Photo" button on Media posts no longer allows me to actually select photos on iOS.
(This is on latest master).
It just brings up the camera with no ability to pick a photo from my library.
Oh, I mean on Photo, not Media.
Yup, thanks mapkyca! Merging all the things.
that's strange. I wasn't aware there was a way to trigger the camera directly. I thought it always brought up the little action sheet
This is the markup that's used in the Photo plugin: http://share.cleverdevil.io/ZYLiDl7Zsy.png
This is what is used in another plugin where it still allows me to pick a photo from my library: http://share.cleverdevil.io/Fhuq9All5o.png
I am thinking it *may* be the `accept="image/*;capture=camera"` line that works
i never knew about capture="camera"
And the `accept="image/*" capture="camera"` that doesn't.
Trying it out...
tantek joined the channel
i'm guessing iOS ignored the "capture=camera" bit inside "accept"
but now that it's an attribute, it recognizes it
yeah, could be.
Yup, confirmed, that fixes it.
Ticket created.
I'd like to wrap up my "<" and ">" pull request before I move on to something else, but I'll try and get to it.
Its an easy fix, so anyone else should feel free to steal my thunder and fix it themselves ?
thanks aaronpk! ... had some Known time today :)
mapkyca++ thanks for all the merging!
mapkyca has 4 karma in this channel (11 overall)
raretrack, [kevinmarks], [chrisaldrich], tantek and [colinwalker] joined the channel