#known 2017-04-27

2017-04-27 UTC
[cleverdevil], j12t, [eddie], funwhilelost, tantek, [chrisaldrich], j12t_, [tamaracks], [jeremycherfas], loicm, [johnholdun], [kevinmarks] and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Anyone know whether it is possible to construct a single RSS feed with two or more categories? Like, Posts and Status but not Photos?
[pfefferle], tantek and j12t joined the channel
@withknown We're starting to map our ecosystem https://kumu.io/DigitalLife/digital-life-collective Pls DM us the best email to coordinate.
@DavidLibeau Un embed des toots pour @withknown. Pour l'instant je prend le <iframe> fourni par le /api/oembed.json… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/857546272017874944
j12t and tantek joined the channel
jeremycherfas If you go back in the logs, cleverdevil and I chatted a bit about this yesterday. You could try https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/content/statusupdates/posts/?_t=rss to see if it covers at least part of your need
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
It'll give you posts and statuses (but not likes as it looks like you don't have that enabled).
[kevinmarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Thanks again. I didn't see that in the guide. Seems an odd way to concatenate, but ok.
j12t joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I thought it was a bit quirky too; I prefer the extra control that WP offers, but at least there's something!
funwhilelost, [colinwalker], [chrisaldrich], [eddie], [cleverdevil], tantek, [manton], j12t, [ianmjones], [mko], sknebel_, Gomez and srcr joined the channel