#known 2017-05-04

2017-05-04 UTC
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Just in a different spot.
Hmm... I don't think so, but I am guessing a similar fix is needed.
How did you create this?
Just a reply inside of your Known instance?
Or did you use a Micropub client?
Probably with woodwind
I copied a chunk of html from the story I think
Gotcha... I am guessing somewhere in the chain is using "htmlspecialchars_decode" improperly.
If you can find a way to easily reproduce, and open a ticket, I can potentially take a look.
I'll need to get woodwind running again
I am guessing you can likely reproduce without woodwind.
j12t, tantek, tantek_, endi, [kevinmarks], mapkyca, [jeremycherfas], [eddie], [gregorlove], [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], [joemcl], [mikirk], [goldylocks] and [evanwolf] joined the channel
So, next up on my list is starting to think about how to enable Known plugins to register themselves as Micropub handlers.
Would love to collaborate with someone on this, who maybe has more PHP/Known experience.
j12t joined the channel