#known 2017-05-06

2017-05-06 UTC
j12t, [philbowell], [shaners], [tamaracks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Anyone successfully posting from non-hosted micro.blog to Known?
[jeremycherfas], tantek, j12t, [philbowell], dindy, [eddie], davidmead, [shaners], [kevinmarks] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jeremycherfas I'm curious why you'd want to do it in that direction? I've been posting from Known to micro.blog via RSS.
Are you trying to recreate the same flow thei iOS app allows to both micro.blog and WordPress?
[eddie] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
chrisaldrich No good reason, but if it isn't even an option I am puzzled why it exists. It offers the opportunity to put in any URL that might have a micropub endpoint, but the on in Known isn't operational. I don't think. Who knows?
oh do you mean just using the micro.blog iOS app to post to known?
Yes, precisely that.
ah, that isn't even POSSE because the app talks directly to Known. That's just using the micro.blog app as a Micropub client
I've been posting to my site from the iOS app, so it should work with Known
knowing manton's wordpress background, I suspect the iOS app is using WordPress API methods to post there rather than micropub.
yes, it supports the wordpress API and also micropub
I haven't been using the iOS app much as my daily device is android. Did it have an option to post to micro.blog and micropub to another primary site?
I don't remember it having the option to do what you're talking about aaronpk...
when you first go to make a new post, it asks where you want to post to. you can enter a hosted micro.blog username, a wordpress site, or a url that supports micropub
Oh, I must have missed that third option!
Or he added it later.
pretty sure it was in the first beta
maybe it wasn't given as an option to me as I've been exploring his self-hosted option and was logged in that way.
that seems quite possible
jeremycherfas did it show up as an option for you?
davidmead, sensiblemn and [kevinmarks] joined the channel