#known 2017-05-17

2017-05-17 UTC
j12t, j12t_, benwerd, [shaners], tantek and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
chrisaldrich Went well for me, though I haven't checked absolutely everything.
loicm, benwerd, webrocker, jeremycherfas and cweiske joined the channel
why is there no announcement of 0.9.9 on http://stream.withknown.com/?
jeremycherfas_, mapkyca and benwerd joined the channel
hola ben
mapkyca: Ruxton left you a message 5 days, 13 hours ago: WordPress bundles media/photos as items with attachment URL references, so you can pull the content if it's online still, I've been writing some code in the importer over the last day to see how well it can work
tantek, [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], [chrisaldrich], benwerd and [shaners] joined the channel
In a new survey from New America, just one in four respondents believe higher ed is functioning fine the way it is. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2017/05/11/americans-see-value-higher-education-survey-finds-are-unhappy-current-system
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
So, I see that Known already supports a JSON feed, of a sort, https://cleverdevil.io/content/all?_t=json
Would a patch to this that instead returned things in JSONFeed - http://jsonfeed.org - be accepted?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel