#known 2017-05-20

2017-05-20 UTC
benwerd, benwerd_, tantek, [cleverdevil], asuh, j12t, [colinwalker], [jeremycherfas], mapkyca and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
@UB40OFFICIAL birthday wishes/guess so vote!!??.......condor mrFP, withknown land3.........................(duty)
j12t, [jeremycherfas], tantek, [colinwalker], davidmead, [datacomputist], [kevinmarks] and benjaminwil joined the channel
hey friends, i just set up known for the first time. it seeeemed like it was running smoothly until i got an "Image wasn't attached." message when trying to post a photo.
it's not a permissions issue with the Uploads/ folder, so if anyone has any troubleshooting advice i'd appreciate it.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
benjaminwil: i'm not sure how to help you, but just wanted to say that if you don't get an answer on here you should also post in the known-dev google group about your issue.
sensiblemn: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 23 hours, 2 minutes ago: the Notifications ARE still available at the url http://example.com/account/notifications; I've filed a bug for this at https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/1757
sensiblemn: thanks! i just made an issue on github. hope that was an okay thing to do.
[colinwalker] joined the channel
benjaminwil: yes, that works great
j12t joined the channel