#known 2017-05-23

2017-05-23 UTC
j12t, [kevinmarks], benwerd, davidmead, tantek, benjaminwil, raucao, loicm, [jeremycherfas], Madgod, wakest, pvagner, jaduncan[m], plindner, schmarty, mapkyca, jeremycherfas and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
does known do websub publishing?
or any websub at all for that matter?
[kevinmarks], benwerd, j12t and tantek joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: my known installation advertises a websub hub: <link href="https://withknown.superfeedr.com/" rel="hub">
so at the very least its a publisher
should be able to test that piece
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I have it set up on my instance as well, though I haven't tested it, and it doesn't seem to be used by Micro.blog as far as I can tell.
[kevinmarks], j12t, sknebel, tantek, benwerd, loicm, [cleverdevil], [shaners], [jeremycherfas], [colinwalker], derhess, raucao, [eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel