#known 2017-05-26

2017-05-26 UTC
[eddie], davidmead, eli, [shaners], [eli_oat], jeremycherfas, loicm, mapkyca and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Now running @withknown 0.9.9 ('downgrade' from Git version). Kinda annoyed by the issue @ChrisAldrich reported. https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/1753
jeremycherfas and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
@postleafapp There's a bunch of individual websites that support it, as well as a handful of CMSs like https://withknown.com and Wordpress
[kevinmarks], jca, [sebsel], jeremycherfas, [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], [jeremycherfas], [eddie] and davidmead joined the channel