#known 2017-07-06

2017-07-06 UTC
[kevinmarks], j12t, billbennettnz, [miklb], [cleverdevil], tantek and davidmead joined the channel
tantek, j12t, seekr, [miklb], tboy, mapkyca, [renem], jeremycherfas, ben_thatmustbeme and davidmead joined the channel
Nice @withknown import tool improved, going to test Known to Known import & see how it goes :) https://twitter.com/HwcBrussels/status/882926148933611520/photo/1
Nice @withknown import tool improved, going to test Known to Known import & see how it goes :) https://twitter.com/rMdes_/status/882926139047645184/photo/1
j12t, tantek and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#3948 (master - 1ad0992 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
[miklb], j12t and Loqi joined the channel
@withknown just noticed that @s are removed from the title field when posting to twitter. makes it impossible to talk to ppl. workaround?
[davidmead], [miklb] and tantek joined the channel
What apps do you recommend for use in the classroom? Here are 50 teacher picks for sharing + transferring knowledge. https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/07/29/teacher-recommended-50-favorite-teaching-apps/
[miklb], tantek and billbennettnz joined the channel