#known 2017-07-08

2017-07-08 UTC
[kevinmarks], davidmead, [miklb], tantek, j12t, [cleverdevil], endi and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Trying to import the RSS file from another Known installation and it borked after just 318 lines, out of the 12000 odd in the file. Thinking it might be a file size limit, I deleted the first chunk and tried again. Now it wouldn’t import anything. Has anyone @here successfully imported an RSS file from anothe install? 0.9.9 on both sites.
!tell dgold Do I remember that you dug into the Known database structure?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
davidmead, [miklb], [kevinmarks], tantek, [chrisaldrich], [jemostrom] and TimApple joined the channel
I seem to recall rmdes mentioning playing around with import/export in the last few days...
j12t, tantek, seekr, j12t_, davidmead, [miklb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel