#mapkyca@[cleverdevil] this appearing in your logs? Recently I pushed some stuff to capture javascript errors in the log, which I've found useful, but seems to - in some cases - end up being a little noisy
#mapkycaunrelated: I'm thinking about bringing back the cachebusting machineversion code for javascript and css. @benwerd said this might have caused a slowdown, which is why it was removed, but he wasn't sure... and I can't think of a reason this would cause problems (other than the obvious, lots of folk hitting site with empty cache)... any thoughts?
#mapkyca@[cleverdevil] Ahh, sorry, reread... not related, my bad
xyc, [chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]`Fatal Error: /var/www/pigfire.ws/IdnoPlugins/Text/Entry.php:64 - "Uncaught Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/pigfire.ws/IdnoPlugins/Text/Entry.php:64