#known 2017-08-12

2017-08-12 UTC
[miklb], [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, mapkyca, raretrack, wakest, pvagner, jaduncan[m], plindner, schmarty and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
weird... something is going on with all of my Known installations...
I am getting a "DOMDocument is not found" error
Anyone else?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Not me. Are they all on the same backend?
Yeah, so, I have a workaround.
It appears that it might be something related to an ubuntu update.
In the meantime, I have bypassed the functionality in `external/MrClay_AutoP/AutoP.php` which depends on `DOMDocument`
Fixed the problem for now.
But, not the root cause.
I have checked and I have `php7.0-xml` installed on this Xenial system.
`phpinfo()` shows that the module is enabled.
So, I have no idea why its not working.
[miklb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
@[cleverdevil] this appearing in your logs? Recently I pushed some stuff to capture javascript errors in the log, which I've found useful, but seems to - in some cases - end up being a little noisy
unrelated: I'm thinking about bringing back the cachebusting machineversion code for javascript and css. @benwerd said this might have caused a slowdown, which is why it was removed, but he wasn't sure... and I can't think of a reason this would cause problems (other than the obvious, lots of folk hitting site with empty cache)... any thoughts?
@[cleverdevil] Ahh, sorry, reread... not related, my bad
xyc, [chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Sorry, back now.
Was out and about
No, it appears unrelated.
I am having to comment out all references throughout Known and plugins to DOMDocument to keep things running.
I've tried reinstalling php7.0-xml, to no avail.
although it's enabled by default
I've mostly commented stuff out to make it work for now, but I haven't done so on another install on the same server - https://?.ws/content/posts/
`Fatal Error: /var/www/pigfire.ws/IdnoPlugins/Text/Entry.php:64 - "Uncaught Error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /var/www/pigfire.ws/IdnoPlugins/Text/Entry.php:64
Sounds like something to do with the install... it *should* be enabled by default...
Yeah, everything was working fine, it just *suddenly* stopped working.
I have unattended upgrades enabled for security-related setuff.
The plot thickens.
DOMDocument is available in PHP if I run it via the CLI.
Maybe something with php-fpm....
Yup... that was it.
Uninstalled php-fpm, which moved back over to mod_php, and now it works fine.
[renem] joined the channel
Very weird.
Anyway, fixed ?
So, this is an unmanaged VM.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Have you checked with others on dreamhost?
On our cloud platform.
So, its entirely my fault ?
rw78abd and wakest joined the channel