#known 2017-08-19
2017-08-19 UTC
[miklb], tantek, [colinwalker], jeremycherfas, raretrack and loicm joined the channel
jeremycherfas If I want to use the API to add a bookmark, do I need to create the signature using /status/bookmark/edit or bookmark/edit or something else?

jeremycherfas I don’t see any difference in the URL when I am on the New Bookmark page.

loicm joined the channel
jeremycherfas Getting an error in calculating the signature: https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/i-get-an-error-when-trying-to-compute-the-signature

jeremycherfas Sent you a reply, but as you’re here …

jeremycherfas Known logs, or other?

jeremycherfas Hang on. Should I be running that command to calculate the signature from the Known directory?

mapkyca this has some working examples which might help: http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/developers/plugins/api/

jeremycherfas No, I’m talking about calculating the signature from my API and the URL

jeremycherfas I looked at that, and I’m still trying to get hold of a value to -plug into X-KNOWN-SIGNATURE to poke around before I go to PHP.

jeremycherfas I’m trying to usie a Restlet client in Chrome to poke around and see what’s possible.

jeremycherfas I thought I could generate it in Terminal. That’s a bit of a problem. No matter. What is the signed HTML authorization? I tried my usual username:Ppw combination but that didn’t work. Can I use something like that?

jeremycherfas Sorry to be a pain

jeremycherfas That is what I was trying to do, and that seems to be what was giving the error!

jeremycherfas Using this command Jeremys-iMac:~ jeremycherfas$ HMAC=$(echo -n "/status/edit" | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 -hmac 'MY-API' | base64 -w0)

jeremycherfas With my API, obviously, I get this error base64: invalid option -- w

jeremycherfas OK. I’ll try without

jeremycherfas Thanks

jeremycherfas Just finishing something else.

jeremycherfas Yes! I managed to send a GET and receive a reply.

jeremycherfas Mapkyca++ for assistance

jeremycherfas Spoke too soon. I saw a response and thought I was there, but in fact I am getting a 403 Forbidden.

jeremycherfas Going to give up now though. I’ve been at it too long.

jeremycherfas Thanks in any case.

jeremycherfas One final question: How many characters long is the HMAC supposed to be?

[chrisaldrich] and travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci idno/Known#4072 (master - 1cf35a5 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci Change view : https://github.com/idno/Known/compare/a229280ed19d...1cf35a5f52be
travis-ci Build details : https://travis-ci.org/idno/Known/builds/266325365
[kevinmarks] and tantek joined the channel