2017-08-30 UTC
[miklb], j12t, loicm, [pfefferle], mapkyca, [kevinmarks], endi, Zegnat, jeremycherfas and travis-ci joined the channel
# 14:27 travis-ci idno/Known#4115 (master - edf82d2 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci joined the channel
# 14:33 travis-ci idno/Known#4116 (master - 1093b0e : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci joined the channel
# 15:06 travis-ci idno/Known#4118 (master - 6eff3c4 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
# 15:09 mapkyca Hmm... interesting... two repos idno/Known and mapkyca/idno, both tracked to identical commits. The first has been giving weird travis errors since yesterday, the latter builds fine.
tantek, jeremycherfas, [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], j12t, raretrack, [keithjgrant], [kiai], loicm, [miklb], [kevinmarks], [tantek] and [sebsel] joined the channel