#known 2017-09-05
2017-09-05 UTC
[miklb], tantek, ben_thatmustbeme, [kevinmarks], [colinwalker], [pfefferle] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
[kevinmarks], mapkyca, jeremycherfas_, [colinwalker] and loicm joined the channel
# explore PULSE here https://pulse.withknown.com #altc - @digisim prototype NGDLE #altc ( twitter.com/_/status/905062637926584321)
# #altc pulse (HEFCE) project https://pulse.withknown.com Create once push/publish 'everywhere' ( twitter.com/_/status/905062702132944897)
# #alt PULSE explores the potential for connecting institutional digital spaces with wider digital social spaces https://pulse.withknown.com ( twitter.com/_/status/905062845942988801)
jeremych_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas, [miklb], tantek, [colinwalker], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and [manton] joined the channel