#known 2018-03-24

2018-03-24 UTC
[mrkrndvs], [snarfed], [kevinmarks], tantek, [jeremycherfas] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Looks really well done.
tantek, mapkyca and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#4469 (master - 89b8691 : Marcus Povey): The build is still failing.
travis-ci joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
idno/Known#4470 (master - 9a66d5f : Marcus Povey): The build is still failing.
travis-ci left the channel
[unoabraham] and mapkyca_ joined the channel
!tell [cleverdevil] Very nice! Any plans to release it as a plugin?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, [kevinmarks] and skippy joined the channel
hello! I know Known supports multiple users in one install, but can Known support each user's content being accessed at a distinct domain name?
such that Known user1's content is at foobar.com and user2's contnet is at quux.net, using the same install of Known?
Same install, yes, but they'd be in separate databases. You want to take a look at multitenant mode. This lets you have different sites all running off the same install, but potentially with different configurations.
(not massively well documented)
This may not be *quite* what you're after, essentially they're different sites but using the same install. Users can webmention each other etc
similar to a WordPress multi-site setup, then? thats fine.
thank you
can one enable and disable specific content types? Say I dont ever plan to use RSVPs, can I suppress that as an option to create or display?
also, can i choose which types of replies to display? Say I dont want likes showing up?
[kim_landwehr] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
how do i turn off the "2 min read" line on posts?
[jeremycherfas], [snarfed], tomwolf and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Good afternoon 🙂
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] PhotoIndex: Plugin for Known that creates an Instagram-inspired photo index page on your website.
Anyone who wants to have a Photo Index page like mine - https://github.com/cleverdevil/PhotoIndex
[cleverdevil] PhotoIndex: Plugin for Known that creates an Instagram-inspired photo index page on your website.
[gerwitz] joined the channel
[cleverdevil]: how do you suppress the estimated reading length of Known posts? Are you using a custom theme?
oh, you're not suppressing them from notes. just that recipe and photos.
I don't know if you can disable that.
I mean, you can with some code.
But, I don't think its something that's doable without code.
Let me check...
its not in the settings anywhere.
You could do it with custom CSS super easily.
and i dont think i have the fortitude to deal with devising a custom theme at this time.
You can do custom CSS without a custom theme.
I loathe the idea of hiding things with CSS.
Its there in the settings.
but thats me being super fussy.
Fair enough, but looking at the code, that's the only way to do it without writing code.
thanks for checking!
Wait... one more place to check.
Looks like there is a setting on an Entity to tell it to suppress this.
But, I am not sure if its something that you can set in the settings.
Nope. You can't.
[jjdelc] joined the channel
Its either custom CSS to hide it, custom JavaScript to literally remove it from the DOM, or a plugin that you'd have to write.
thanks for looking. i'm not even sure why I dislike that so much.
how is known's admin interface on mobile?
Its... fine.
I wouldn't call it perfect, but it tries to be responsive and mostly is 🙂
fair enough. thanks.
can plugins easily provide supoprt for new permalink structures? I prefer /:slug, with no dates in my URLs, if possible.
okie dokie.
Looks like you can do it purely in the configuration file.
The setting is `permalink_structure`
ah. the docs are lacking there.
[kevinmarks], [kimberlyhirsh], [miklb], seekr and [snarfed] joined the channel; skippy left the channel