#known 2018-05-05

2018-05-05 UTC
I don't recall anyone having built a good exporter, but I could be wrong.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Learning how to raise support tickets on GitHub.
Wish forums were still a thing for support... but I'm guessing I need to join the modern times.
[manton], [kevinmarks], helo1, [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and tantek joined the channel
[unoabraham] there's a known plugin that you can use to create github issues and replies on your known install and syndicate them over. One can do similarly on WordPress.
[eddie] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I had no luck with importers either, not even from Known itself.
chrisaldrich, endi, [chrisaldrich], tantek, [pfefferle], Zegnat[web], [jeremycherfas], [sebsel], [tantek], [kim_landwehr], [eddie] and [unoabraham] joined the channel
Tough luck... have over 150 posts on the WP site. The plan was to move them all to Known.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
One possibility might be to POSSE from WP to Known.
[colinwalker], [miklb], rotozeev, [chrisaldrich] and [dgold] joined the channel