#known 2018-05-12
2018-05-12 UTC
j12t__, j12t_, tantek_, [tantek], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], wiobyrne, Gomez, dosch[m] and [stefp] joined the channel
wakest, plindner, pvagner, zoglesby, jaduncan[m] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci left the channel
[eddie], [stefp], [schmarty], [wiobyrne], [chrisaldrich], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [mrkrndvs] and [tantek] joined the channel