tantek, [jeremycherfas], loicm, mapkyca, jeremycherfas, [jgmac1106], [filosofikode], [kevinmarks] and seekr joined the channel
#jeremycherfasI really want to try and work out why Known no longer displays images from ownyourgram since the most recent update about two weeks ago.
#jeremycherfasSo I suppose rolling back the changes in `Photo.tpl.php` is the place to start.
#jeremycherfasThat didn't help; just took me back to content being Array and still no image. So I might have broken something else, I suppose.
#jeremycherfasThis is really odd. Something is adding files that I simply do not recognise to my WithKnown Uploads folder.
#jeremycherfasAh, no. They are the avatars of Webmentions coming in from brid.gy
#mapkycamore likely to be the multi picture upload changes added to the micropub endpoint, but I don't have a public instagram so can't check right now
#aaronpkmicropub.rocks might be a better test tho, easier to reproduce specific cases
#jeremycherfasNope; picture fails to show. Let me look at Quill log.
tantek joined the channel
#jeremycherfasDoes Quill identify itself in error logs? I can't find it by name.
#jeremycherfasI see this in access log - - [05/Jun/2018:08:34:36 -0700] "POST /micropub/endpoint HTTP/1.1" 201 4317 "-" "-"
#jeremycherfasAnd nothing in error log that makes sense.
#aaronpkthat looks like quill's IP. guess it doesn't set a user agent
#jeremycherfasNp. Back to basics. Tried to upload a post direct to Known from the interface; get an error. Fatal Error: /home/jeremygrav/stream.jeremycherfas.net/Idno/Entities/File.php:203 - "Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12288 bytes)"
#jeremycherfasSmaller file works with no title or description.
#jeremycherfasWorks with title and description too. Now let me try Quill with a smaller photo (although none of this explains why Known was displaying images from OYG before and then stopped)
[schmarty] joined the channel
#jeremycherfasQuill is unable to post a photo for me. The content comes in as a title and the tag comes in, but not the image itself.
#jeremycherfas!tell mapkyca I really appreciate the tags displaying properly but I cannot for the life of me find the problem with displaying photos from OYG or Quill. Any clues you can offer gratefully received.