#known 2018-08-13

2018-08-13 UTC
[tantek], [chrisaldrich], Tyrantelf23, arush, [eddie], Qbit1, eNbass, node9, samouy19, Sheraf and [manton] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks for writing that, @Johannes_Ernst! Agreed about focusing on real problems; decentralization for its own sake isn’t enough. But I see Mastodon differently than you. Here’s my perspectives (from May 2017) https://medium.com/a-change-is-coming/lessons-from-mastodon-for-independent-social-networks-ae2d4ccf8f72
↩️ For many people, a Twitter-like network where you don’t have to deal with harassment *is* addressing a real problem. I was just reading another thread about Mastodon where somebody mentioned that a big chunk of trans twitter is over there already.
↩️ Mastodon’s got some anti-harassment features (content warnings and instance-level blocking for example - more at https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/07/cage-the-mastodon/) ... lots more needed of course, but if they prioritize this, it’ll be compelling for a lot of people.
↩️ Mastodon’s got some anti-harassment features (content warnings and instance-level blocking for example - more in @Gargron ’s post at https://blog.joinmastodon.org/2018/07/cage-the-mastodon/). Lots more work needed of course, but if they prioritize this, it’ll be compelling for a lot of people.
↩️ Another example: @SwitterSocial focuses on a key use case for a lot of people. Mastodon hasn’t evolved much yet to support Switter (as far as I know), but focusing on these priorities could get a lot of traction.
mapkyca, mapkycalog, [kevinmarks], alphaseg28, ThiefMaster13, jeremych_, lino, BranchPredictor1, [jgmac1106], [mrkrndvs], SailorHaumea22, Jan\27, hpt, kline14, frmus17, dStruct9, Hobby4, [grantcodes], [eddie], No, [chrisaldrich], [pfefferle], sirnaysayer14, [Petrk], [miklb], [iambismark], jack326, [philbowell], atomicthumbs0, [Vanessa], bigpet6, [manton], e0, kek918 and sins- joined the channel
↩️ Been doing #IndieWeb in  my classes since 2015. first year having students build out from #DoOO rather than @withknown or http://wordpress.com May like this a course template with proper(ish??) microformats soon to have webmention powered badges (http://jgregorymcverry.com/5955-2/)
tinyhippo9 joined the channel
↩️ Earl, If you can scrape up the travel funds, wash a Dean’s car or something, try to make it to @IndieWebCamp NYC https://indieweb.org/2018/NYC. Gonna be a lot of us #DoOO folk trying to bring the values and tools to classrooms (http://jgregorymcverry.com/5960-2/)
↩️ Would definitely love to pick your brain more about your experiences. #LRA18 this year? No official #DoOO support for us, so it's more of a pet project for now. But man does it get me fired up for the new semester.
↩️ Looks pretty dope. Seems that virtual presence/participation also possible? I mean, would love to take a trip back east, but in case the car wash falls through...
tantek__ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ Not  #DoOO either. Just said, in eight years of teaching I have never made a class buy a book. I am asking you to spend $40 to write yourself on the world Yeah #IndieWeb as the best remote options. Part of conference not just consuming stream (http://jgregorymcverry.com/5964-2/)