#known 2018-09-06

2018-09-06 UTC
[gregorlove], tantek__, benwerd_, benwerd, [tantek], [kevinmarks] and mapkyca joined the channel
what did I miss?
[jgmac1106], benwerd and [eddie] joined the channel
Good morning! A heads up that I published an update on the Known Development mailing list this morning. Here's a link: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/known-dev/XCpVUkkp8m0
[tantek], benwerd and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Awesome post, [benwerd]!
benwerd, benwerd_, [kevinmarks], [iambismark], [grantcodes], [eddie], [jgmac1106], sensiblemn and tantek__ joined the channel
[benwerd] super excited! I hope @mapkyca shared the grant application we submitted. Made Known core kind of the backbone of the vision. IES grants notoriously hard to get. Working on this 50K on for libraries where people can #CheckOutADomain for a year: https://checkoutmydomain.glitch.me
yer early draft, teachign my teachers to consiuder glitch "their sloppy copy"
benwerd joined the channel