[pfefferle], [chegalabonga], [Vincent], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
#jgmac1106!tell cleverdevil thanks for letting mess around a bit the plugins. Going to try and write a read plugin if I meet my writing deadlines on a few projects
#jgmac1106m ight try playing with the unfurl in the css just to see if I can hide it
[asteres] joined the channel
#jgmac1106darn didn’t work, looks like two seperate issues for me, OpenGraph displaying my h-card image as a preview ands then also unfurling every link to a post when it is syndicated to Twitter
#Loqi[cleverdevil]: jgmac1106 left you a message 5 hours, 52 minutes ago: thanks for letting mess around a bit the plugins. Going to try and write a read plugin if I meet my writing deadlines on a few projects
#jgmac1106I just have to get this paper written, but changing watch to a read and listen post shouldn’t be too daunting
#jgmac1106for the life on me [cleverdevil} I can’t figure out how to stop the link unfurling in status updates
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]That's not an aspect of Known that I am really familiar with.
#jgmac1106yeah I will keep playing. After trying display: none in the css, deleting the php to unfurl links, determined it must be in the Twitter syndication and Core….personally I would remove all the open graph stuff but that me
#[cleverdevil]It should likely be behind a preference/toggle in configuration.
[eddie] joined the channel
#jeremycherfasManaged to upgrade Known to latest master, and happy to report it now supports Photo uploads from IOS and Quill. But need to think about the wayback plugin, because it saves immediately, making test posts that are then deleted permanent. Not sure how best to approach this. Automatic built in delay?