#known 2018-12-15

2018-12-15 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [eddie], [tantek], tantek, [relapse], [kevinmarks], jeremych_ and seekr joined the channel
tantek and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell jeremeycherfas any luck with the Askimet plugin?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Kinda sorta. It certainly blocks some spam. But it lets some through too. There is no way of managing that, as far as I can tell, apart from waiting for the email notification and then going in and deleting. And no way of informing Akismet that something might be spam.
...weirdest thing for me....disabling comment doesn't remove the ipnut field...and i can't delete comments..
That is odd
...whew spam going to my older sites..need to go and turn comments off
I’m trying to really keep on top of new spam, deleting ASAP, because I think my inadvertently lax policy in the past has specific posts on lists.
[tantek], [eddie], [asuh], ozymandias__ and misterdasher joined the channel