#jeremycherfasKinda sorta. It certainly blocks some spam. But it lets some through too. There is no way of managing that, as far as I can tell, apart from waiting for the email notification and then going in and deleting. And no way of informing Akismet that something might be spam.
#[jgmac1106]...weirdest thing for me....disabling comment doesn't remove the ipnut field...and i can't delete comments..
#[jgmac1106]...whew spam going to my older sites..need to go and turn comments off
#jeremycherfasI’m trying to really keep on top of new spam, deleting ASAP, because I think my inadvertently lax policy in the past has specific posts on lists.
[tantek], [eddie], [asuh], ozymandias__ and misterdasher joined the channel