[davidmead][aaronpk] i can log into teacup using my domain but posts don’t show up on it. they are being created at https://teacup.p3k.io/davidjohnmead.com though. this did work on WP but seems to be failing on Known
[tantek], [scottgruber] and [voss] joined the channel
[voss][davidmead] I used the "Custom JavaScript" plugin instead of editing the files directly. Seems to work, and means I have easier access to editing it
[voss][kevinmarks] I seem to remember that you have to select single user domain in the settings, and then pick a specific theme. Could be the default theme, but not sure.
[kevinmarks], [metbril], [pfefferle] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[cleverdevil]That said, IO also believe that you can override the short URL on an Entity by Entity basis, meaning you could theoretically create a plugin which did alternative shortening.
[davidmead]Thx [cleverdevil] - That may be a little above my pay grade (coding wise). I used ‘Hum’ on Wordpress and could set a URL there, so I was hoping to do the same with Known.