[svandragt][metbril] Had a look through the docs and the diagnostics page to review the config of my install and I cannot see anything relating to changing language.
jgmac1106why does this happen to me, using the source editor I add: I just added <a class="u-follow-of" href=“$url”>$Title</a> by <a class="h-card" href=“$url1">$name</a> to my following page at <a href="https://jgregorymcverry.com/following">https://jgregorymcverry.com/following </a>#BeYourownSocialNetwork but the links get rendered in some hot mess:
jgmac1106I just want to use HTML and nobody will let me, always trying to guess my intention when what I wat rendered is spelledd out in plain HTML, Ikind of the point of a declarative language IMO
jgmac1106spending time updating my following page…need a better workflow…curretnyl I publish the follow post on the fly…have to remember to then go back and add to my following page, and then go to aperture and add the source to my feed.
jgmac1106figured out the problem……I think in my template for a a follow post I have “ that is titled like an opening quote…strange no idea where that came from, I don’t switch my default fonts ever