#known 2019-03-01

2019-03-01 UTC
[tantek], [schmarty], drapetomaniac, mapkyca, [kevinmarks], [Vincent], [jgmac1106] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Anyone know anything about Known's Known to Known syndication? OMG Buffalo!
though I may just set up a shared Mastodon service and use Known to Mastodon plugin for the chat side of things
Building a quick OER network for my friends in Ghana using Known
[schmarty] joined the channel
This is our plan: A: members only site at oer.goiffoundation.org, B: Each member of the foundation will be given their own subdomain at xyz.oer.goiffoundation.org. On each of these subdomains we will be installing Known. C: Members will use site not primarily for their own sites but as their OER identity and a space to curate and create community. D ; We will add a Mastodon server using https://masto.host. You will be able to syndicate and each
control what can be sent from A, B, or C to D.
Now to go back to Twitter to beg for the $150 I need to raise.
not for broadcast yet, they are meeting in Ghana tomorrow as a team to finalize the plan
sounds like a lot of moving parts TBH. If they each have their own why do you need a masto instance? Their Known's can reply back & forth directly
your right, maybe not needed
the chat stream is just different
same reason we all don't do each irc/slack post from our blogs
I think people want the social stream
pretty sure Known has some sort of reader built into it
your efforts are better spent getting that setup and working
it does and wilkl have native activity pub
it is stop gap
might need to be updated to support Microsub
it is in the roadmap and being worked on
don't make something stopgap for conversations, because then the conversations (links) die when you actually hit the gap
yeah good point...
and probably better to introduce less tools at once
your time is better spent filing an issue on Known to explicitly support Microsub, and then advocating for that, pointing out that Micro.blog added support in less than a day at IWC Austin
yes, *fewer* tools 🙂
and the oer.goiffoundation.org, will be a Known install, so they can syndicate to that
Wait for reader and ActivityPub integration besides one day someone will invent the websub chat or walkie talkie app you just add to any site in your network
[eddie], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [grantcodes], Loqi_, chrisaldrich, j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel