#known 2019-04-03

2019-04-03 UTC
[ketudb] joined the channel
mm, will do
anglophilic, [jeffperry], [eddie], [fluffy], [tantek], [kimberlyhirsh], mapkyca and [svandragt] joined the channel
How is it possible to indent a bulleted list like in most other rich text editors?
Hi [svandragt] Do you mean indent while writing the post? Or in display?
[pfefferle], seekr, [Rose], [xavierroy], [grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[svandragt] they haven't added the indent button to tinyMCE. You would have to do that. Currently you have to use source code... Which is fine unless you are on mobile
[eddie], [kimberlyhirsh], [jgmac1106] and seekr joined the channel
↩️ see here @jgmac1106 I wonder (like I need another project) of a @withknown plugin to do the backfeed on this #indieweb
[schmarty], [eddie], [grantcodes], [tantek], [Rose], seekr, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], doubleloop, [Vincent], [dmitshur], [dave] and [ketudb] joined the channel
↩️ you probably have enough front-end skills to roll most of the #IndieWeb building blocks into your current approach. I use a hybrid approach with a few static pages on my website and let @withknown handle most of my social stream. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1v0QaB)
[kenbauer] joined the channel
Thanks for helping people [jgmac1106] ++
Hmm, I updated today (git pull) and now I have this. Post still executed, so functionality remains. Throwing error on new posts/edit.
Perhaps I forgot the update process here. I just remembered now to run a "composer update" from the root of my install. Let's see.
Yes, I think that fixed it. <dances>
The update removed, updated and installed some files. All good now.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
so do you have to reinstall composer for each update?
I haven't updated yet
should only be if any of the composer-based dependencies need to be updated/have changed
Bonus, it looks like the @WithKnown mastodon plugin is no longer spitting errors when I POSSE to Mastodon. (https://known.kenbauer.me/s/1p0okf)
No, just the "composer update"
Perhaps an UPGRADING file should be added to the repo and pull requested.
I'm still new but should start doing stuff. I put an issue in earlier today. I noticed some img src tags on webmentions are being generated with http instead of https which I can't figure out why.
over here, I searched first to make sure it wasn't already in the issues: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2388
In fact [jgmac1106] I upgraded while checking/submitting that issue. The issue creation leads one nicely to check "Site Configuration->Diagnostics" and that told me I was out-of-date.
but this barf on post had me scratching my head for a couple minutes wondering what I broke. #QuietWritingHour for our meetup tonight was productive.