2019-04-13 UTC
[eddie], [tantek], [Rose], [Ignacio], mapkyca, egoexpress and jbove joined the channel
# 11:12 jbove mapkyca Is there a document available with a list of steps and measures needed to harden / make more secure the Known application? I'm on version 0.9.9-a.
seekr, egoexpress, [kevinmarks], [stefp], [eddie], [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [dougbeal] and travis-ci joined the channel
# 16:59 travis-ci idno/known#5211 (master - c44c4be : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci left the channel
[dougbeal] and travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci left the channel
# 17:01 travis-ci mapkyca/idno#414 (master - c44c4be : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
# 17:08 travis-ci idno/known#5213 (master - ea25919 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
# 17:18 mapkyca jbove No, no documents specifically dealing with Known. I'd follow the standard recomendations for securing any web app
travis-ci joined the channel
# 17:20 travis-ci mapkyca/idno#415 (master - ea25919 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci left the channel
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# 17:30 travis-ci idno/known#5216 (master - d4651a0 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
jbove joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
# 17:51 travis-ci mapkyca/idno#416 (master - d4651a0 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
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travis-ci joined the channel
# 17:56 travis-ci idno/known#5218 (master - ae82fc8 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
# 17:59 travis-ci idno/known#5219 (master - 49f396e : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
[tantek], chrisaldrich and [stefp] joined the channel
# 21:03 [stefp] Could you explain a bit more about updating with Composer? I go into my Known directory, type ‘composer update’, and it says ‘Nothing to install or update Generating autoload files’.
# 21:16 mapkyca if you've got nothing to install, that should mean you've got no updates necessary. There were a few dependency modules pushed in the recent updates, but it should be relatively rare
# 21:17 aaronpk `composer update` is just to update dependencies, not for updating known itself
# 21:22 [stefp] Thanks. It says in Diagnostics that my build is behind the github version. Can I update the old way by overwriting?
# 21:22 mapkyca Eventually it may be possible to install via composor projects, but that's a little ways off
# 21:24 mapkyca Yes, with an if. You need to make sure the /vendor dependencies are uploaded as well. A straight git checkout won't get you everything
# 21:28 [stefp] Okay. So if I update Known should I run ‘composer update’ after that to get dependency updates?
[dougbeal], [Rose], jbove and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel