#known 2019-04-13

2019-04-13 UTC
[eddie], [tantek], [Rose], [Ignacio], mapkyca, egoexpress and jbove joined the channel
mapkyca Is there a document available with a list of steps and measures needed to harden / make more secure the Known application? I'm on version 0.9.9-a.
seekr, egoexpress, [kevinmarks], [stefp], [eddie], [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [dougbeal] and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5211 (master - c44c4be : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci left the channel
[dougbeal] and travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci left the channel
mapkyca/idno#414 (master - c44c4be : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
idno/known#5213 (master - ea25919 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
jbove No, no documents specifically dealing with Known. I'd follow the standard recomendations for securing any web app
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#415 (master - ea25919 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5216 (master - d4651a0 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
jbove joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
mapkyca/idno#416 (master - d4651a0 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5218 (master - ae82fc8 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5219 (master - 49f396e : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
Whole bunch of @withknown changes just merged. Update and kick the tires!
[tantek], chrisaldrich and [stefp] joined the channel
Could you explain a bit more about updating with Composer? I go into my Known directory, type ‘composer update’, and it says ‘Nothing to install or update Generating autoload files’.
if you've got nothing to install, that should mean you've got no updates necessary. There were a few dependency modules pushed in the recent updates, but it should be relatively rare
`composer update` is just to update dependencies, not for updating known itself
Ahh yes, wot 'e said
Thanks. It says in Diagnostics that my build is behind the github version. Can I update the old way by overwriting?
Eventually it may be possible to install via composor projects, but that's a little ways off
Yes, with an if. You need to make sure the /vendor dependencies are uploaded as well. A straight git checkout won't get you everything
Okay. So if I update Known should I run ‘composer update’ after that to get dependency updates?
yep, that should be it.
[dougbeal], [Rose], jbove and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel