#known 2019-04-21

2019-04-21 UTC
I guess I am going to have to bite the bullet and update my instance of WithKnown too.
travis-ci left the channel
idno/known#5263 (master - ed1fc74 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5264 (master - 7b51dcc : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#424 (master - 7b51dcc : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
[jgmac1106], doubleloop, [schmarty], [Rose] and [davidmead] joined the channel
was thinking of updating Known today. Can I just pull the latest through GitHub Desktop and FTP it across to my server? Unsure of this whole `composer` stuff
[stefp] joined the channel
From my recent experience the FTP’ed update wont work until you install composer and update dependencies.
After the first time you can just drag over Known updates as normal
If I can install composer and run it then it’s really not difficult 🙂
install composer where? on my computer? the server?
thx [stefp] - I’ll check it out.
JuJu1 joined the channel
i can’t tell if that’s on a server or on a local computer
guess I’m not upgrading anytime soon
it’s on the server that hosts your Known installation
ok. that’s not happening anytime soon
thx for the help anyway [stefp]
@mapkyca - Using SSH to install something on a server, before I can update @WithKnown, adds a level of complexity I'm not prepared to undertake. Any hope of one of the "unofficial" builds coming out soon so I don't have to do this? #indieweb #blog… https://davidjohnmead.com/2019/04/21/mapkyca---using-ssh-to-install-something
[kimberlyhirsh] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[davidmead] installing composer isn't bad. If you can FTP you can do it
↩️ Withknown might be out, though, for the time being until either I can, or someone else with more coding skills can address some of the accessibility issues.