#known 2019-04-24

2019-04-24 UTC
pmc, [eddie], [dmitshur], [pmc], [chrisaldrich], shaners, [tantek], chrisaldrich, [kevinmarks], crestnoa and [Rose] joined the channel
fyi, I got an error that prevented me from installing and tracked down the problem and created this issue https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2409
I can install if I revert to commit ae82fc853e1e186ceddd08683f1fa912bbbd2da7 of a couple weeks ago
w3bk3rn3l joined the channel
Is there any tutorial on how to install Known in a Linux VPS (step-by-step)? Thanks!
anglophilic, [kevinmarks], [Rose] and crestnoa joined the channel; crestnoa left the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
crestnoa++ for a pr
crestnoa has 1 karma over the last year
crestnoa++ for the best written and most detailed pr I have read
seekr, [chrisaldrich], [frank], chrisaldrich, [sebsel] and JuJu1 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
hello JuJu1
There are no syndication plugins in 0.9.9?
is there some information about using custom css in known for beginners? looking to change fonts and menu items and add an about page
okay let's start with the about page
go to site configuration>plug ins>turn on static pages, make about pages. that one is easy
for custom css there is also a custom css tool for beginners, but I found it easier to choose a theme and then edit the css there
there will be two files css and then the minified version (only the minified css gets used) so what I do is edit a theme open the style sheet real people can read, make the changes...I have no idea how to do the grunt stuff
so then I open the minifed version and just search out the selectors I need
but if you want to change fonts and colors you should be able to use custom css pluging
Got the static page up and going; thanks. Also managed to change the font. But not sure how to remove the "Filter content" in the navigation menu with css
could try .nav .nav-bar .dropdown-menu: display none;
not sure if that would work...there are some elements where I can not add selectors to a clas
Yes, tried it but the link is still there. Thanks anyway!
[tantek] joined the channel
curios as to why you want to hide it, I love the filter...but I publish a ton, you can choose what is listed and unlisted on the main feed
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/known#5268 (master - c050d05 : Marcus Povey): The build has errored.
[cleverdevil], [Rose], [kevinmarks] and juju2 joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
Looking for a minimalist approach
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Then keep filter and reduce plugins to mininum possibly
[grantcodes], [cleverdevil], [Rose], [asuh], [kevinmarks], [frank], caitlinmonster, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel; ketudb[m] left the channel