#known 2019-05-08

2019-05-08 UTC
[tantek], [xavierroy], [chrisaldrich], [pfefferle], [Rose], [Serena], [frank], [Yulia], jeremych_, [stefp], [kevinmarks786], [jgmac1106], [eddie], anglophilic, seekr, [calumryan], [kimberlyhirsh], [schmarty], [Chris_Adams], [kim_landwehr], [jemostrom] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
has anyone else using the Markdown plugin for known noticed that it doesn't seem to format pages made by the static pages plugin correctly?
it seems to update a page, I essentially have to disabled the Markdown plugin, update the page using the HTML editor/HTML, then re-enable for use in posts
[tantek], [anomalily], [calumryan] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ketudb you run into this on many micropub apps, especially with status updates. Using markdown or HTML...
I don't intend to be formatting status updates, but for longer blog posts, etc, I tend to write in Markdown primarily
Are you doing writing directly in Known or using a Micropub client... I don't markdown so I don't use the plugin
this is directly in known at present
I may change that in future but
(which I suppose if I use a micropub client that supports markdown, then I can just use that and ditch the plugin.)