#known 2019-05-20

2019-05-20 UTC
[eddie], [Rose], [frank], [jeremycherfas], [tonz], [philhawksworth], [calumryan], paulrobertlloyd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@plindner here is rhe error log from the time when I am trying to authenticate the twitter app in Account settings
but I can authorize Bridgy
seekr, [calumryan], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas], [jackjamieson], [frank], [tonz], [Zegnat], [tantek], Katharina, [manton] and jbove joined the channel
Hi. I'm looking for some help to get the idno/Twitter plugin to work on my Known site. I've added my comment to this existing Github issue: https://github.com/idno/Twitter/issues/58#issuecomment-494066201
It seems that the tmhOAuth client is not able to connect to Twitter. It's probably due to my server setup. I'm on a hosted web server. How can I properly debug this?
Not sure where to find the Known logs actually as well
It's probably the same issue as Greg's. Brid.gy integration worked fine.
Could it be SSH certificate related?
I mean TLS certificate
chrisaldrich joined the channel