#known 2019-05-22

2019-05-22 UTC
joe-1, [eddie], [tantek], [cleverdevil], [Rose], [frank], [kevinmarks786], [jeremycherfas], [pfefferle], [tonz], [manton], jbove, [grantcodes], amarcus, chrisaldrich and anglophilic joined the channel
jbove: I think the composer.json has the list of plugins: curl, date, dom, gd, json, libxml, mbstring, pdo, pdo_mysql, Reflection, session, SmpleXML, openssl, gettext.
[grantcodes], [tonz], jbove and [tantek] joined the channel
Yay! Resolved the Known idno/Twitter plugin issue; if anyone else has the problem with return code 0 issues: upgrade the tmhOAuth library and the cacert.pem file.
[kimberlyhirsh] and anglophilic joined the channel