#known 2019-05-28

2019-05-28 UTC
[fluffy], [jgarber], loicm, [Rose], [frank], [jgmac1106], [tonz], jeremych_, [calumryan], [kevinmarks], [coreagile], [kevinmarks786] and [davidmead] joined the channel
Thought for the group - Is it possible to swap the context of a Known post after creating it? Example - I post a photo to Instagram and it comes into Known as a “photo type”, but it’s of food so I want it as a “eat type”. Could you swap it over?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
It’s possible, yes. Just requires some fiddling in the database.
That said, it’s a pain 😀
[tonz], [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[davidmead] that is similar to the experience with micropub clients...any time you add a photo regardless of the post type selected it will get published as a photo post
....the photo post also leave much to be desired in terms of accessibility so I try to avoid them when I can
[tbc] and [tantek] joined the channel
And these are some of the problems with explicit post types in a UI
Also “eat type” probably needs more input and collecting of examples on the wiki, assuming there is one
[Rose] and benwerd joined the channel
[jgmac1106] re photo and accessibility, what in particular? Is there an issue filed on that?
(Presuming these are a Known specific problems)
benwerd and [davidmead] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] That’s what I was assuming 🙂
[jgmac1106] [tantek] The more I noodle around the edges the more I feel that the microformat applied to the content needs to be swappable. Having it tied as a decision of the creating/posting action is a stricture the (I feel) we inherit from the very silos we attempt to distance ourselves from…
A tweet is a tweet because it’s a piece of content placed into Twitter. No regard to it being a link, picture, of embedded video. Same, I assume, with the current state of Facebook posts
There’s nothing to swap [davidmead]. Add or remove properties as needed to your h-entry
Purely based on the content and properties you put in it
[tantek] on a photo post the title becomes the alt text but the title is also the thing that synditcates so you wouldn't write as an alt text,
[jgmac1106] that sounds bad and no one else does that. File an issue on Known for that and suggest a separate alt text UI like Quill has
documented on the accessibility or alt text page open issue filed and in the orad map
Ok then when I asked if there was an issue I was hoping you would link to it :)
will do , let me track it down and will link it
[tantek] Well adding/removing properties is, in essence, swapping the type wouldn’t you say?
I should take a stab at adding the form field and I think once the tinyMCE gets upgraded to somethign that works on mobile the alt text field will come along
[davidmead] the food post types just changed
[cleverdevil] just accepted the PR you should update, it was using something that did not exist h-food
No [davidmead] - there is no “in essence”. Adding / removing properties directly maps to users adding removing things from a post in the UI
it is now an h-entry and I added a p-category for eat, drink etc, you could add in a drop down menu like you did to listen
Notions of explicit post types are legacy we are dealing with from dev-centric thinking and ActivityStreams design
I think we’re kinda agreeing [tantek] 🙂 As a user, if I “swap” the post type I’m having the system add/remove attributes to suit. Certainly a UI issue than a mf issue.
As a user you should not have I worry about swapping at all in the UI. That’s a broken UI
The UI should just let you add / remove different pieces of content as you feel like to a post
Yes this is not a mf issue at all. This is an issue with UIs that force the user to choose explicit post types
Instead of just “new post”, with optional name/title, optional media (with alt for each) etc
I believe if you use Quill with Known you will have this kind of flexible post creation experience
[jgmac1106] until I can get a Known build without running something (is it composer?) on the server, I’m not updating anything from GitHub
no worries, you just did a great job working on the Listen post type with me thought you could do it....been playing with Kirby a bunch as I learn PHP you may want to check it out...though if Known's current install isn't something for you Kirby maybe the same
do you not have ssh access on your shared host? Reclaim comes with terminal access in cPanel...don't even really have to worry about it
I need to try Quill with Known, when you use indigenous any time you add a photo it gets published as a photo post regardless of the post type you selected
I do have SSH access, but I personally find it a pain and not something I want do
ohh yes..as someone who maintains dozens of Known sites I dread each release now
I have used Quill & Indigenous to post to my Known blog. I was thinking more of the “automated” items like Instagram [tantek] where I may want to change the context post creation.
it gets better but so time consuming.....just marcus and Ben and Phil plugin away on their free time so I understand
have you tried teacup or do all your food post go on instagram anyways
...oooh that does remind me I do want to wrap your listen dropdowns with a p-category though Known uses buoth p-category and rel="tag" but always afraid as Known autoconverts hashtags..meant to experiment if a hashtag in plain text in a template gets converted to p-category automaticallt
Well Instagram/Known haven’t worked properly for me in ages, so I’m juggling between posting on Known using the Food/Drink plugin and manually re-posting the Instagram when I have time
Have you tried teacup?
Teacuo never worked properly for me iether
Hashtags seem like a decent approach to categorizing types of photos like # food etc
That is one thing I’ve floated a couple of times. Hashtags with Known need to be cleaned up and be implements the same across all posts
can’t edit ones pulled in through Instagram or OwnYourSwarm and they display differently if you manually add them in the content
agree almost every post type is just a p-category...but the OWG array problem on Known is something I haven't solved, should those link back to Instagram or places on your site where you used that same hashtag?
actually like the converting of hashtags so I don't have to type it all out, and generating the rss or json feed for each is super nice
I love using hashtags to imply collections of things, but that does mess up a lot
[davidmead] I think in general some micropub clients do not mesh well with the html sanitizing and autolinking built into Known
jbove joined the channel
This dovetails into what I mentioned about the stricture of following the silos - If I post on my site would I ever want everything tagged with “eat” to return Instagram posts instead of my own?
on OWG, yes, in Known it works perfect. that is what I did to the Food post type, I made it an h-entry and food became a p-category
I wonder how other people handle syndicated hashtags from OWG, do they just get published in plain text? link to their own site, back to instagram?
I don't instagram so not person to ask, though clients I set up on Known do and seeing "array" is bad
benwerd joined the channel
ok. thx [tantek] [jgmac1106] , good conversations - back to my hermitage 🙂
actually teacup doesn't even recognize my micropub endpoint
...me too...taken a half day to...well...write templates in Kirby...get a few days off before next semester trying to IndieWeb cram before summit
[kevinmarks] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
Speaking of Summit, [davidmead] [jgmac1106] would be great to have you both! Sign-up! https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
jbove, [tonz], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks786], [eddie], benwerd, [schmarty], arush and [arush] joined the channel