#known 2019-06-13

2019-06-13 UTC
seekr, [schmarty], [tantek], [kimberlyhirsh], Nottantek, [manton] and [eddie] joined the channel
↩️ @jgmac1106 @withknown You will need to do a composer update to rebuild the autoloader if you do a git checkout
[Rose], [jgmac1106], neoaboriginal1, [tonz], [calumryan], [grantcodes], [kevinmarks786], jeremych_ and [tantek] joined the channel
@benwerd @mapkyca maybe you are right and syndication to @twitter should be removed from @withknown core since @twitter is so hostile to interoperability with Open Web: http://bit.ly/2F6f0rm
↩️ I mean I have been suspended for @ mention @MLB players during home run derby, for diversity efforts with bloggers of color, and this third time for engaging in popular educational hashtags. @twitter won't even tell me what I am doing wrong or point to offending tweets
[jgmac1106], [eddie], ben_thatmustbeme and [manton] joined the channel
↩️ The trend is for platforms to close their APIs anyhow - FB is gone, Linkedin pretty much dead now too. Twitter likely to go that way, and given their view on censorship is pretty much a garbage platform now anyway. Plugin is there, but I’m not going to bust a gut to maintain...
[kenbauer] joined the channel
↩️ 100% agree. I loved @manton2 piece on walled garden versus open garden approaches. I might just bail for @microdotblog and Fediverse Native micropub to both be nice #justsaying
↩️ but huge h/t for all the volunteer work you do for the Collective. I am thinking of trying the plugins and and marking one's that should be removed from community page. Many no longer work with upgrades and not actively developed
Swedneck_ and discord[m] joined the channel
!discord bridge 475789330380488707/588731175846150173
dennis2, aaronpk3808[m] and aaronpk[w] joined the channel
↩️ That would be really useful, actually. Hopefully things will become easier once we can use composer for plugins.
↩️ Okay I will keep that as my content goal for the #indieWeb summit, I need a non or less codey project for sanity sake when doing work
[tonz], [jgmac1106], [tantek], dennis2 and crw joined the channel
ahoy, folks. set up my first known instance last night.
crw has 1 karma over the last year
I am a version behind as well was just working on my son's page he is a bit out of date: https://sportstalk.jgregorymcverry.com
[grantcodes], [kevinmarks786], [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
anyone have any thoughts on adapting importFeedXML in Migration to handle importing the xml generated by Pinboard into Known bookmarks?
[calumryan], [chrisaldrich], remysharp1, [kevinmarks786], [eddie], [rem], [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], chrisaldrich, freethinkingaway and [tantek] joined the channel