#known 2019-06-17

2019-06-17 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks786], jbove and [fluffy] joined the channel
jqmac1106 Thank you.
[jgmac1106], jgmac1106, [eddie], [calumryan], [kimberlyhirsh] and crw joined the channel
was going to ask if i missed the roadmap, saw that there's a url for channel logs, checked it, saw that the logger broke last year ;)
[jansauer], [eddie] and [frank] joined the channel
jbove: thanks for the offer, and sorry that it's not clear the direction the project is going. I think it might make sense to have a sync-up here on a weekly/biweekly basis to help coordinate project activities and work through a checklist of items. (Triage issues, allow for PR feedback, etc.) Personally I'm trying to slowly bring Known up to modern standards so that it's more attractive platform to develop on,
plus explore decentralized tech.
[rem] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
plindner I would happily help with community calls or asynch checkins here!!
plinder has 2 karma over the last year
Though been playing with Kirby right now and liking it. Need to lewrn more PHP to be able to any core contributions
[kimberlyhirsh], chrisaldrich, [eddie], [jgmac1106] and RealSnazzy[m] joined the channel