#known 2019-06-23

2019-06-23 UTC
chrisaldrich, [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], anglophilic, seekr, [tonz], [frank], [kevinmarks786], [infominer], jbove, mapkyca, [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], [miklb], [eddie], [xavierroy] and Bazz82 joined the channel
Hey all I'm trying to get Known installed and I keep getting an error after following all the directions: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'Known.config' doesn't exist in /var/www/html/Idno/Data/MySQL.php:352
The table doesn't exist because I'm trying to get the initial warmup to run the script that creates the tables. Has anyone had this issue?
[eddie] joined the channel
Hi eddie. I'm trying to get Known installed but the warmup is failing because the tables haven't been created yet. How do I get the tables created? I thought the warmup script would do that.
I manually created the SQL tables using the scripts and now I get the following error: Not Found