#known 2019-06-25

2019-06-25 UTC
andrewxhill[m], [cleverdevil], [xavierroy], [tantek], [jgmac1106], seekr and Bazz99 joined the channel
Hello all. I'm trying to get Known installed. Followed all directions but I can't get the warmup script or CLI installer to run. This means the Known tables aren't getting created so when I browse to my site I get the following error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'Known.config' doesn't exist in
Does anyone know how to get the warmup script to run and create the tables? I've followed al the directions and eveything has worked fine up until this point. I'm at a dead end.
mapkyca_, seekr and jbove joined the channel
Bazz82 Hi. How did you install Known firstly? Where did you get the code from?
[frank], mapkyca_ and jbove joined the channel
Bazz99 that's saying the database isn't being installed for some reason...
mapkyca_: crw left you a message 3 days, 11 hours ago: i'll see what i can do!
[jgmac1106], jeremycherfas, [tantek], glenn[m]2, [frank], [tonz], jbove, [schmarty], mmm, mapkyca_ and [benatwork] joined the channel
Bazz99: Do you have a config file already present for some reason?
Worth checking for config.ini
[Lesley_Sim], [slack_indiewebc, [tantek], [frank], anglophilic, [chrisaldrich], seekr, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [fluffy], [Matthew_McVicka, [jeremycherfas], [Dave_Peck], So-Loud, Gomez, [benatwork], Johan1, [snarfed] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel