#known 2019-07-02

2019-07-02 UTC
[jgmac1106]: can you provide refs for the ipfs webmentions? I'm woefully behind in tracking indieweb developments.
[benatwork] joined the channel
Re: the homepage, we're moving everything to known.co and retiring withknown.com. It'll be revamped. I have the mailing list (self-hosted).
[cleverdevil], [tantek], [aaronpk], jbove, [Rose], [Slackbot]1, [tonz], celso[m] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
plindner it was @flaki demo project and not a session. I wil ping him
celso[m]1 joined the channel
I was able to go to dat night while in pdx, ton of interest there in Known since the ipfs plugin was launched
this is a quick mock up I threw together for name.com The basic idea can work for known.co this was just a use case directed at families
would just drop the Google Suite stuff (name.com is a reseller and paid G Suite is pretty secure)
dzajew, [jgmac1106], [tonz], [jgarber], mapkyca, mapkyca_, [KevinMarks], [xavierroy], [dogeared], [aaronpk] and [Slackbot]1 joined the channel
!kick [Slackbot]1
!kick @Slackbot1
come on Loqi
come on Loqi
[schmarty], [grantcodes], mapkyca_, jeremycherfas, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [cleverdevil], CantiTurtleCoin[, [Rose], [tantek], [eddie], [dogeared], [tonz] and [jared078] joined the channel
I built a plugin for @withknown that lets site owners sell memberships to their sites with @unlockprotocol. Here's how I did it: https://unlock-protocol.com/blog/integrating-unlock-with-known/ #indieweb
I built a plugin for @withknown that lets site owners sell memberships to their sites with @unlockprotocol. Here's how I did it: https://unlock-protocol.com/blog/integrating-unlock-with-known/ #indieweb
[snarfed], [schmarty], jbove, [jgmac1106], [cleverdevil], [frank], [deeden], [tonz], chrisaldrich, [grantcodes], [fluffy], [aaronpk], [eddie], jeannie, [Vanessa], [asuh] and [zach] joined the channel
I wrote a plugin a while back to track my reading, but then I started to use https://indiebookclub.biz is there a way to make the micropub endpoint know about my plugin from the plugin rather than doing it in the micropub endpoint code? I tried playing with the stuff in ContentType.php but that didn’t seem to help (https://github.com/zoglesby/Known-Read/)
Ooh didn't know there was another read post plugin. I made one too... But yeah we discussed micropub improvements at the Collective meeting
Yours looks nicer tbh