#known 2019-07-05

2019-07-05 UTC
mapkyca: i want to set up a few Known instances for a few non-profits I'm affiliated with. do you host known instances or have a suggestion on who to use? i'd probably be preferable for us to not have to do the back end stuff in house.
it looks like reclaim no longer has one click installations https://community.reclaimhosting.com/t/hello-new-here-known/2334
i wonder if reclaim could do one click installs again if they knew about https://withknown.marcus-povey.co.uk/
I had to do the schema migration by hand when I updated to head. Not sure if that's WAI or not.
[tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
what do you guys think makes Known better than https://indieweb.org/WriteFreely or https://indieweb.org/Plume ?
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
the ability to receive and display comments, as well as write comments, as well as photo support
aaronpk: thanks for the response. i assume video support is a feature as well.
oh yes i believe so
i've also seen a bunch of people write plugins for Known to extend the functionality to do some pretty fringe stuff, which is cool
aaronpk: agreed. i've heard of that as well.
does Known utilize ActivityPub? or is something like micro.blog needed to add that functionality?
i don't know the status of activitypub support
looks like bridgy fed is an option based on this github issue https://github.com/idno/known/issues/1701
yeah for sure
[tantek], [fluffy], [KevinMarks], [asuh] and mapkyca_ joined the channel
!tell sensiblemn No, I don't run an
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell sensiblemn No, I don't run a hosted service. Some people mentioned this was something that they'd like, but last time I ran the numbers it wasn't something I could afford. I'll have a look to see if that's something that's changed. I think the hosting companies lost interest due to the forever 0.9.9. Hopefully that'll change soon post 1.0
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[xavierroy] joined the channel
[mapkyca] is the vendor directory a must upload for Known to work? It comes to almost 60MB
mapkyca_ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Yep, you absolutely need to have the vendor directory
mapkyca, mapkyca_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
video support is iffy
I don't touch the backend but let my shared host do it. They have 0.92 installable with Installatron and then I update. We set up (are setting up a network in Ghana built on Known)
Video is an interesting problem, as you really need to do the transcoding stuff - I've got a transcoding plugin which works, to certain values of work, but configuring ffmpeg is a black art and requires arcane magicks
yeah been trying to just use archive.org and the video html tag
[Sadik_Shahadu] and [tantek] joined the channel
I typically just embed off youtube. Not terribly Indieweb, but life is just too short
[grantcodes] joined the channel
ttried with and without the plugin to enable html5 video tags, but yeah iframe from archive.org works fine
excited for video and p2p as I could never afford to host my own indieweb style
Video tag depends on on browser codec support, which varies depending on os and browser configuration, hence the transcoding - you need to scattergun the codecs so that you have a version that'll play in each environment. Made harder by the fact that codec support for e.g. x264 has been removed from some linux builds due to licensing issues so you have compile yourself from source.
So yeah, life's too short. Hence youtube embed
Iframe it is archive.org embeds work fine
Thx for letting me know
The only time it has been a pain for me has been when importing my Flickr archive to my site - works a treat for photos, but videos are a little temperamental. Did work once, but then at some point codecs change and now it's no longer doing the transcode.
Some point I'll go back and backfill with youtube links, I don't have that many videos
Yeah same with ownyourgram
[fluffy] joined the channel
jgmac1106: you mentioned p2p video. have you ever checked out PeerTube? https://joinpeertube.org/en/
sensiblemn: mapkyca_ left you a message 6 hours, 38 minutes ago: No, I don't run a hosted service. Some people mentioned this was something that they'd like, but last time I ran the numbers it wasn't something I could afford. I'll have a look to see if that's something that's changed. I think the hosting companies lost interest due to the forever 0.9.9. Hopefully that'll change soon post 1.0
sensiblemn: mapkyca_ left you a message 6 hours, 40 minutes ago: No, I don't run an
mapkyca_: thanks for the response. when is 1.0 expected?
No dates as yet, but I'm thinking of drawing the line around about when we've got the new known.co site up and running
I'd really like to do it when plugins can be installed via composer, but that may be a while off as the composer installers project take their sweet time
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
that's okay we need the time to figure out who is going to update their plugins for Composer
and for people like me to figure out what you need to do to update a plugin so it can be installed using Composer
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Using composer isn't mandatory
[eddie] joined the channel
But if you use composer installers it'll make custom known builds easier to roll
[xavierroy] joined the channel
is there a way to edit dates in Known? I just installed Known and trying to figure it out
no not easily
[tantek] joined the channel
😞 I was hoping that would be an easy task
no not until we keep convincing [cleverdevil] micropub migration should be a thing..well that part he knows...NEEDS to be a thing...then export and import be good all around the community
if you know PHP people would love, love, love a plugin for a date and time publish change
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
You can publish things with back-posted dates via Micropub in Known today. Works great!
ohh really perfect...my migration may begin then
Adding date editing to the Known UI wouldn't be all that hard, honestly.
I thought Known had that by default
I'd suggest opening a ticket to suggest the feature request!
Not in the UI.
there is an open issue one sec
I'd suggest adding your +1 to it.
I am hoping that we can do a community road mapping session with [mapkyca] and [benatwork] soon.
yeah be neat
maybe more themes 🙂
I just tried a post in Teacup with a past date. It is not showing up
Yeah, the Micropub implementation in Known needs some love. Things work great for common post types like notes, posts, checkins, etc. But, for something very esoteric like what Teacup creates, there are definitely issues.
I just added a comment on #411, [xavierroy], and if I can get some guidance, I'll take a crack at fixing this issue. I agree its a pretty glaring omission at this point.
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [fluffy], Expherience[m] and [schmarty] joined the channel
i use Tor, so it is hard for me to edit on wikipedia, but I feel like Known and Webmention + h-entry should be added here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse
mapkyca_: what will the new known.co site be like?
[jackjamieson] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
IMO h-entry while used by sites in Fediverse isn't really required. If anything I would start an article on h-entry and add a link under See Also
jgmac1106: what about webmentions?
That is a W3C spec...not necessary for Fediverse... Ohh that table I could see Known being added with the Mastodon plugin and Bridgy Fed
jgmac1106: do you consider Known to be part of the Fediverse without Mastodon or Bridgy Fed plugins? Is the "Indieverse" different than the "fediverse"?
I try not to define things, just isn't my bag
right on
For me Known is a CMS I blog with.
[tantek] and eddy[m]1 joined the channel