jeremycherfas!tell mapkyca I am on version = "0.9.9-a" build = 2018120201 and I recall there being a need to do something about Composer to use your packages, but I can remember what it is. A clue, please.
mapkycaJeremycherfas - if you're using the package, you shouldn't need to do anything. If you're doing a git checkout you'll need to run composer install
Loqimapkyca: jeremycherfas left you a message 53 minutes ago: I am on version = "0.9.9-a" build = 2018120201 and I recall there being a need to do something about Composer to use your packages, but I can remember what it is. A clue, please.
AkyRhONewbie question here : apparently all of my content is syndicated to Twitter, but it fails to retrieve webmentions via bridgy when there is one. Also, my post does not show the "Also published here : silo" like i've seen some sites running Known do
AkyRhOok nevermind my previous question - I discovered I still had a old account that was still setup to crosspost a feed to twitter. My bad
mapkycaDepends on what your host is configured to use, but there are 3 (and a half) PHPs - PHP CLI, Apache Mod PHP, PHP CGI and PHP FPM (which is basically PHP CGI, but sometimes not)
@mapkycaFolks, if you're planning on upgrading to the latest @withknown unofficial package, especially if you've not updated in a while, make sure you're running at least PHP 7.1. Anything less than that is EOL, and so isn't supported. (