#known 2019-08-02

2019-08-02 UTC
[kimberlyhirsh], [schmarty], [Michael_Beckwit, [xavierroy], [snarfed], [Rose], Derek[m]1, [Zegnat] and [svandragt] joined the channel
Hi folks, I was looking to add the bullist and numlist tiny mce toolbar buttons to my post editor (latest git checkout of Known) and I noticed that the javascript is specifying these toolbar buttons however my toolbar shows the blockquote followed by the 3 align buttons. AFAIK I have made no customisations, so I was expecting these buttons to show so I can use lists in my posts. Happy to do a bit of customization work, does anyone have any poin
[prtksxna] and jeremych_ joined the channel
I suspect the toolbar customisation stuff needs updating since the move to tinymce 5
Krazydee, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I feel like my tinymce isn't updating at all. I don't get the responsive design of 5
Check what composer is pulling
how would I do that?
I am due to update to latest build, might as well do that while I am inside
dillon[m] and [Rose] joined the channel
Should be a composer install if you've got the latest .lock, otherwise composer update
what is the command I type again to update with composer and Git
Git pull; composer install
Typed: "Git pull; composer" got install bash: Git: command not found Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file Nothing to install or updateGenerating autoload files
My computer autocorrected
that gets me "fatal: unknown index entry format 0xaae10000" and then a composer list of possible commands
maybe I will just FTP the package build
did discover my tinymce version is 4.1.7 however
always wondered why my tinymce never updated
and now I go to restore from backup as I am now throwing this error after manually pushing latest package from GitHub: Uncaught Error: Class 'Idno\Core\Bonita\Main' not found in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/Idno/start.php:122
I shouldn't have updated....
thx for the help [mapkyca] you can show me what I am doing wrong Sundat
and I am restored from backup....wonder if there is a way I can manually force tinymce update
it worked that time, yippee - Removing tinymce/tinymce (4.1.7)
- Installing tinymce/tinymce (5.0.11): Downloading (100%)
no it didn't ugggghhh.......Uncaught Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader' not found in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/Idno/start.php:110 back to reinstalling backup
well this totally sucks...after restoring my backup I sill get: Uncaught Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader' not found in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/Idno/start.php:110
I should have never tried to update....
I agree
will try retoring backup one more time....
Symfony not being found sounds like an issue with the composer install
You could try `composer dump-autoload` to have composer regenerate its loader, thought that may be a longshot
new 500 error this time around: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function loader() in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/IdnoPlugins/Twitter/autoloader.php:3
will see if removing the plugin fixes
Oh, hang on. Isn't that the PHP version too low error?
What PHP are you on?
7.2 will go to latest
doesn’t know where to find Twitter/autoloader.php and cannot comment on that
7.2 should be plenty for Known
yeah it is in the twitter plugin...maybe I will delete plugin and see if that works
just moved Known to 7.3
Yup, best to stick with 7.2
7.3 should work too, I expect.
Honestly, anything above 7.0 I imagine is good for Known?
But yeah, try and see if you can restore Known files to the older version without touching the database. No need to lose any content over this
ahh maybe this is it...the new Known Master no longer has the Twitter plugin....
yes if I delete the Twitter plugin I am back in business
Wouldn’t the update have removed it then?
How did you update?
nothing works, never mind....
Right. That happened to me too.
I first tried updating from composer and git and that failed, so then I just ftp the latest build
You should probably remove all old files before FTP-upgrading, since old files hanging around can sometimes lead to problems
I updated to a new Twitter plugin, but I can see a version number.
now I have no WYSIWIG or text input fields
Then again, this is all unstable master, so you are really on your own for updates there :P
yep..oh well...joys
I left config and /uploads in place, and uploaded all the new stuff. There was a problem with PHP and another one with Twitter, but aside from that, all went well.
Let me find the log here.
Sorry, was afk
So, Known needs 7.1 and above. 7.0 will not work
you are allowed to do things not on IRC
Also, you need the composer class loaded, which others pointed out
But the problem you're getting with twitter is you're using the old version of the plugin, so update that and you should be ok
Depending on what version you're running before it may be a bit of a shock - we dumped the defunct Symfony class loader in favour of composer for example
I am getting almost there a few times..first it was symfony, then I had to delete the twitter plugin but had no text input fields
however composer installers have just merged my PR, so next version will allow plugins to be installed via composer which should make a lot of things easier
perfect now just back to broken twitter plugin, will update that and see what happens
Yeah, you should be better off with the newest version
where does the twitter plugin live now that is not in core?
jeremycherfas where did you pull the latest twitter plugin from?
Github, I'm pretty sure. Let me see if I can find it for you.
searching myself as well
Ah yes, sorry, yep that's the one
.. again, afk :)
you would think you search for idno/twitter would have found it
must have been searching in the repo
jermeycherfas has 1 karma over the last year
mapkyca has 5 karma over the last year
zegnat has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
slow down!
spelling mistake Loqi
kind of working this is major problem
I have no text input fields
How do you mean no text input?
need to stop, at least folks can find my content, need that with classes, just won't be making content today
look at screenshot
there is no WYSIWIG and no box to add a blogpost
status updates fine, but all other content input borkne
Check your java console for error, I bet it's not updated tinymce and/or you need to clear your caches or ctrl+f5 refresh
make sure composer has downloaded the tinymce 5 javascript
yep, clearing my cache did the trick!!!
you rock...now to repeate the process 12 times..it was weird I had to update mix of composer and ftp to get it all to work
but in business, thank you all
excited to actually be able to upload photos on mobile
Anyone know how to clear the browser cache on Android? I installed Known to my home screen
Cleared the Chrome cache but still not loading tinymce... It will catch up soon
Might be worth putting a cache buster on the tiny mce stufff... not that it'll change all that often
Known works well enough as a PWA I find myself never using a Micropub client
[eddie] and [JuJu] joined the channel
hello! when using 'composer create-project idno/known' I get an error '[InvalidArgumentException]
Could not find package idno/known with stability stable.'
[Michael_Beckwit, IWC_SlackBot, [aaronpk], [prtksxna], [schmarty], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
juju you need to tell it that you'll accept dev code
composer create-project idno/known -s dev
neoaboriginal1 joined the channel
Hi chat! I just imported a WP xml to a new Known-install. But how can I change the post type? I have some photos I'd like to categorize as photos, but they are imported like notes
also previous check-ins
I have a horrible feeling you need to go into the database. Alternatively, maybe micropub them to Known rather than import.
[jgmac1106], [prtksxna], neoaboriginal2, [schmarty]1, [aaronpk], [KevinMarks], [david], [Michael_Beckwit, [pfefferle], [tantek], [snarfed], [eddie], [KevinMarks]1, [david]1, [schmarty], ketudb, kevinbird15[m], ScottSmiley[m] and SirMemesALot[m] joined the channel