#known 2019-08-04

2019-08-04 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [xavierroy], [Rose], [Lewis_Cowles], [jgmac1106], [prtksxna] and jeremych_ joined the channel
I see the numlist and bullist for tinymce in the default form template: https://github.com/idno/known/edit/master/templates/default/forms/input/richtext.tpl.php but I don't see the buttons
IWSlackGateway and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[mapkyca] so far three have RSVPd for Collective Meeting, me, you and Zach, we can proceed or hold off until next month, let me know
Am I correct that it is in 30 minutes?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I am here, will fire up zoom if others interested
mapkyca joined the channel
I could manage a brief chat. Although I do not have much to say.
But happy to encourage.
guess we will hold off, didnt hear from Marcus, will reschedule when more can make it
[mapkyca] joined the channel
Hmm, I'm not sure I'm getting messages - only saw some of these on IRC, and the other half on slack, so I think something is a little funky
OK. Thanks for trying.
Might be best to reschedule - my time today is a little tight, and only a few folk around! Only big thing to report is that plugins can now be installed via composer.
Only thing I wanted to bring up is I'd really like to find a way to get more coders involved - open collective or no, if it's just little ol' me writing code then its hard to get new functionality built
I saw that, and though I don't fully understand it, I know that it is A Good Thing. So well done.
It's a good thing, mainly for those using Known as a framework rather than installed, but basically it makes it super easy to build custom releases of Known with different plugins targetting different things - e.g. you could build a vanilla known, or a known for your own site, or a custom known for a customer's web app, and theoretically all you'd need to do is ship a different composer.json
also should help people in docker environments
And it should also mean that updating all the things will be easier.
Also that. You should get new versions of plugins with a composer update as well, meaning they'd be kept in sync
We need to move the core plugins to composer at some point too
Also, related to developers and stuff, it means it's easier for other maintainers to take on e.g. the maintenance of the twitter or photos plugin
mapkyca++ well here is to hoping we pick up a bit of PHP exodus from WP (not community members new folks)
mapkyca has 6 karma over the last year
Been trying to think of some good ways to help get people comfortable hacking on core... although I admit it's a bit daunting
would a video walk through help? I don't know...
yeah I can only play on the fringes with plugins, trying to learn PHP...I could help you plan an intro video, script it out a bit
I am also applying for a quick review grant to build up online learnign skills of first generation college students, its a quick review, going to write in money for you and 1-2 other developers
[mapkyca] has 7 karma over the last year
Can't write in the collective as it isn't backed by a legal entity....
I'd like to know if there's a way I can help sanitised HTML get from something like Omnibear into WithKnown by micropub. That's a real downer for me.
that is on the notes->status the sanitizer and no rich text editor, putting in the rich text editor a matter of switching true to false, not sanitizing all the HTML I don't know
I was actually looking at the micropub plugin to see if I could add -u-read-of based on how the other templating worked...didn't get it working yet
I remember doing it once before. Truth is, I don't like the rich text editor, and would prefer pure Markdown. Can't remember why I switched back. I should try going full Markdown again.
[jgmac1106] ahh awesome!
Definitely need to do some sanitization for incoming stuff - otherwise we're in a world of xss - but there is a case to maybe moving status to support rich text. Status was plain, largely for historic reasons, and because it ties into Twitter and Facebook, etc. But maybe we can just let people worry about that... ie. let them figure out that if they post to twitter their fancy formatting won't work
OH absolutely, a lot of sanitizing is essential. But it would be good to let some specific things through.
I don't think we strip uniformly, just for status... i think. I'm not looking at the code and I can't remember exactly!
yeah I was fooling around with TinyMCE this morning just to see if flipping on the rich text editor and see what happened
yes just status in my experience, though a few random elements didn't always work, I need to get better at documenting
https://20mm.org/spark-grants/ is the grant, I think it is a strong narrative, the attrition rate of online learning in community college is staggering, when you consider first generation students it is staggering
[mapkyca] we could try a "good first bug" or "get involved" label on some issues
and if you want to spend some time storyboarding out a seven minute intro to Core video happy to help
I'll see if I can put something together!
[zach] joined the channel
I must have done some bad timezone math
I thought it was at 12 EST today
[fluffy], [prtksxna], niceplaces, [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed], [grantcodes], [Rose], jgm[m], niceplace and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
anyone getting this error on image upload of latest build:
Argument 1 passed to Idno\Common\Page::forward() must be of the type string, null given, called in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/Idno/Pages/File/Picker.php on line 60
Click here to try again or click here to go back to the homepage.
ohh I hit my space limit on my server, that could be it, will buy more space and test
[schmarty], [snarfed], [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, [Rose], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [David_Bryant] and IWSlackGateway joined the channel