#known 2019-09-25

2019-09-25 UTC
[Lewis_Cowles], [jgmac1106], jeremycherfas, [Rose], [grantcodes], jbove, FineDiscord[m], bambam, [tantek], achingbrainDisco, [snarfed], [schmarty] and [dougbeal] joined the channel; dillonDiscord[m] left the channel
Hi! Hacktoberfest is coming up and I was wondering if the idno/Known project on Github is participating? Could help to tag some of the 88 open issues with the tag "hacktoberfest", so they show up to open-source devs looking for issues to work on and submit Pull Requests.
oooh cool idea. [mapkyca] anyway you can elevate jbove so he can tag issues?
My github is johanbove.
Hoping Ben and Marcus are up for reviewing the PRs :-)
And it would not be bad to go through the current list of issues and see which ones are still relevant in light of Known v1
Cleverdevil created two interesting issues which are in the "to do" state in the Known v1 project: https://github.com/idno/known/projects/3
[fluffy] joined the channel
jbove it would be the html sanitizer or an input for an alt text on photo posts for me
jgmac1106 Which issues are those?
Currently img alt tags are the "title" cf. this PR : https://github.com/idno/known/pull/1776
that issue. a title !=alt text but its a hard UI to solve with multiphoto uploads on photo posts
I am happy to work on this: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2325 just start with the base theme and lay out a Grid view
maybe I never made an issue about the alt text and we just discussed at Open Collective meetings, my bad
allowing HTML in status updates would go along way to support micropub clients,
wasn't at first because syndicating twitter...but that no longer focus and up to user to know how it would look on a silo
Getting rid of Bootstrap does involve updating all existing themes as well - most probably. Are you up for that? Doesn't seem like a small thing and could be its own project.
I know that but it would start with Core and then mine, and really the themes are so similar
Not sure that not having HTML code in the status updates bothers me. Only missing some Markdown formatting from time to time; but it helps me to push me to publish the complex thoughts and posts as actual blog posts.
would be long term but its probably only area where I can really contribute, bootstrap to Grid
yeah but if you use a micropub client and include html in a note then you get plain text html in your status
Would we still support IE11 *shudders*
Funny you bring it up as I actually had that exact problem earlier tonight with posting from alltogethernow.io; had clicked the "advanced editor" and then it sends HTML to micropub.
it was only a <p> tag, but yet
yeah better step would be to allow HTML in Known status updates
Totally for making the front-end of Known lighter to get a higher Lighthouse score.
iframes like this only displaying in editor but once published is perplexing: <iframe src='https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline/latest/embed/?source=1cWqQBZCkX9GpzFtxCWHoqFXCHg-ylTVUWlnrdYMzKUI&font=Bevan-PotanoSans&maptype=toner&width=600&height=600' width='600' height='600' frameborder='0'></iframe>
I need to make an issue about that, just noticed as while I taught
almost all of Known is just col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 wouldn't be hard to update to Grid
and honestly most themes just change a header and footer color and fonts...really its way too heavy to carry all that for chaning font and color
also don't see the reason to carry around the full stylesheet and then having to get a mini version, choose a color palette, choose some fonts, select background img if desired, one stylesheet.
but coding up all that UI...not something I could ever do
but its still just one style sheet and three input fields (plus the custom css plugin if desired)
[tantek] joined the channel
Marcus seems to consider upgrading to Bootstrap would already be an improvement: https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2325#issuecomment-455768695
Not sure what to do with the suggestion in issue #2379 about moving templates into their own projects. Unfortunately the Composer set up is something I haven't really gotten around to get to run properly on my host.
I really like what Marcus did with the admin theme with issue 1846 https://github.com/idno/known/issues/1846
Time for bed for me. Ciao all!
[Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [tantek] and [grantcodes] joined the channel