#known 2019-10-12

2019-10-12 UTC
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [aaronpk], [Lewis_Cowles], [fluffy], bengoDiscord[m], [jeremycherfas], [Nicolas_Hoizey] and jbove joined the channel
I'm not a PHP expert as Marcus is. And since he definitely knows what he's talking about I agreed to his suggestion to resolve issue 937 with a new plugin for "unlisted" posts. Nevertheless my hacky code in PR 2542 seems to work for me. I am able to post entities without these entities showing up in any of the feeds or the search. See PR https://github.com/idno/known/pull/2542
iburnmycdDiscord and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ohh you mean unlisting a specific post rather than entire post type?which you can do now
ooh people I follow,..that is cool
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
An excellent place to start.
[Rose], [aaronpk], [Lewis_Cowles], [grantcodes], herman, [dougbeal], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [Michael_Beckwit and SoreGumsDiscord[ joined the channel; herman and IBurnMyCDTRTLDis left the channel