#known 2019-10-26

2019-10-26 UTC
[fluffy], [qubyte], tsrt^, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks] and ablaabla joined the channel; ablaabla left the channel
↩️ One of the most interesting ideas in this space is https://withknown.com/ by @benwerd -- syndicate & own your content as an author.
[Rose], [manton], mapkyca, [Lewis_Cowles], [KevinMarks], sensiblemn, [tantek], [Ramiro_Ruiz], tsrt^, hacdiasDiscord[m, jekpopulousDisco, bmiller59Discord, seekr, MachiavelaDiscor, M0zAND1zDiscord[, MissLavenderDisc and michwillDiscord[ joined the channel; ZedDiscord[m] and michwillDiscord[ left the channel