#known 2019-11-11

2019-11-11 UTC
[tantek], [KevinMarks], LethalLaddersDis, [fluffy], [snarfed], eeril, mapkyca, [Rose], mapkyca_, jeremych_ and jbove joined the channel
!tell [voss] Thanks! I saw you incoming webmention in the server logs. Working on making the feedback returned by the form more user friendly. Also checking how to implement ham submission with mapkcy_ 's akismet plugin. No ETA though.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jbove: [voss] left you a message 19 hours, 36 minutes ago: I made a reply on a known install to your post on translating indiewebify.me but my mention didn't show up on your site. I tried by submitting the URL of the post I made directly on the post, and it returns the following error message from social.johanbove.info:
mapkyca_, [jgmac1106], jeremych_, [chrisbergr], [tantek], Agniese, [Teresa_Ingram], [grantcodes], [snarfed], [LewisCowles], [schmarty], [KevinMarks], ReaselDiscord[m], chrisaldrich and [arush] joined the channel