#known 2019-12-31

2019-12-31 UTC
relshire, tsrt^, swedneck, mc1, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
I'm noticing something odd in my mysql db for Known. Should I really have almost 4 million rows in my sessions table?
And it's nearly 8x larger than my metadata table!
[mapkyca] joined the channel
No, probably not, although php's session logic is ... convoluted. I'm also not convinced that php's GC (or possibly how symfony's session component handles the GC) is behaving correctly. I've looked at this code a couple of times and can't see anything obvious and maybe you've got something going on in your particular case that's causing trouble.
Myself, I'm using file sessions to keep the load off my database, which I can get away with because I'm not using a load balancer. This results in thousands and thousands of files, which I periodically clear out, so I think that it might just be an issue with the way php does GC.
Not ruling out a Known specific problem, but I've not found one yet
[snarfed], [frank], [tantek], abaiste^, [KevinMarks], DrakirDiscord[m], [Rose] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
thanks [mapkyca]. So in general it shouldn't be an issue clearing the older ones out?
If it helps I'm running the older 0.9.2 version which I'll get around to upgrading one of these days.
It looks like the oldest record in the table goes back to November 2018, so I'm not sure what I might have changed around that time which may have generally changed or potentially caused this.
tsrt^ and [Rose] joined the channel